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Free Radicals & Antioxidants











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Free Radicals
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An excessive amount of free radicals which exceeds the amount of antioxidants in our body destroys the body cells and are the cause of early deterioration, degeneration and aging of the body.
It is assumed that many diseases are connected to these processes, including types of cancer.
The damage that has been done can be fixed by adding antioxidants to our body.
It is therefore a necessity to maintain a daily input of antioxidants to our body.
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What are Free Radicals and How are They Created
The Atomic Structure
The Creation Process of Free Radicals
How Do Free Radicals Hurt Our Body
How Do Free Radicals Get Inside Our Body
What is an Antioxidant?
Examples for Antioxidants' Vitamins and Minerals
Where do Antioxidants Come From?

What are Free Radicals and How are They Created
It is clear that all of our systems – including the immune system – need 'fuel' – food – in order to function properly.
Every cell in our body requires its food to maintain structure and function in its most perfect status.
Our symptoms of aging, disease and the likes are not in fact ours – they are the aging and illness of our cells.
Every cell in our body is a complex, sophisticated machine that functions at all times.

Every cell in our body is a complex, sophisticated machine that produces energy at all times

The activity of the cell

A healthy, functioning cell is one in which the chemical procedures and reactions are performed normally
A living body cell
Metabolism and energy-production procedures are performed in the cell at all times.
Every substance, including living cells, is made out of atoms.
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The Atomic Structure:

In the centre is the atom nucleus, in which there are:

Protons – carry a positive electric charge;
Neutrons – no electric charge.
Around the nucleus circle the electrons – which carry a negative electric charge.
The number of electrons is equal to the number of protons, so that the entire atom's charge is electrically balanced.

The atoms differ from one another in their number of protons. Each element has its own number of electrons – and this is the source of its different qualities.

The illustration shows a hydrogen atom – with a single electron, as compared to a carbon atom, with 6 electrons.

The electrons of the atoms are the main factor in the metabolism and energy-production procedures performed in the cell at all times

Carbon atom with 6 electrons Hydrogen atom with 1 electron
The atoms are connected through various chemical procedures that produce complexes – molecules – which are the main components of all the substances in nature.
A healthy, functioning cell is one in which the chemical procedures and reactions are performed normally, with all its atoms and molecules intact. The cell can then divide itself – thus keeping our bodies young and immune against various illnesses.
The Creation Process of Free Radicals
The problems in our body occur when the chemical reactions and procedures in the cell are damaged – thus causing the release of electrons from atoms and/or molecules.
As a result, the atoms and molecules are now missing electrons and are electrically imbalanced – these particles are referred to as free radicals.
Regular Oxygen Atom
The problems in our body occur when the chemical reactions in the cell are damaged – thus causing the release of electrons from atoms creating the free radicals.
The release of an electron from the Oxygen atom creates a Free Oxygen Radical.
Due to this, a chain of extremely fast reactions occur, in which the attacked molecule, which has now lost its electron, now becomes the attacker, in its quest to regain the missing charge. The molecule that it attacks becomes a new free radical, and so on in a series of reactions that cause great damage to cells and live tissues.
This procedure of "stealing" an electron by the free radical is called oxidation.
For instance, the dark shade that the apple turns when it is cut open and exposed to the air is another expression of oxidation.
There many uses in the industry with these types of substances –imbalanced, highly reactive elements such as fuels and oxygen water – substances that are designed for immediate attack – and we too can feel their actions and reactions.
Amount of free radicals exceeding the amount of antioxidants in our body, is the cause of early deterioration, degeneration and aging of our body.
Electron stealing reaction chain
Even in our bodies, several types of free radicals are created, mainly oxygen radicals, created as a natural side-product of cell breathing procedures. These radicals serve important roles in our body, such as destroying bacteria and create connection between collagen fibers of the skin tissue, but they are also, apparently, in charge of the aging process.
In the body are also found, on a natural basis, antioxidant enzymes, which are in charge of concentrating the free radicals and to prevent them from damaging the body.
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How Do Free Radicals Hurt Our Body
When in a status of imbalance, the free radicals will attack the proteins, oxidize fats in the body and turn them too into free radicals; they will degenerate the brain cells' mitochondria, damage the cells' membranes and reduce its ability to absorb food materials and to expel waste, and may also change the structure of its DNA. By doing so they cause early deterioration, degradation and aging of the body. It is assumed that a large number of illnesses are connected with these processes, including cancer.
This means a large number of free radicals, that is higher than that of antioxidants in the body, cause the destruction of the body. They attack the cells and destroy their function – thus causing illnesses and accelerate aging.
How do Free Radicals Get Inside Our Body
  • Damaged processes that occur in the body
  • Environmental pollution
  • Insecticides
  • Water that contain chlorine
  • Smoking – about a million free radicals enter our body with just a single cigarette
  • Radiation
  • Detergents
  • Various foods such as: fried food, grilled food (that is mixed with the smoke of the burning fuel), pastries with trans fat
  • Excessive and unsupervised physical activity
  • Anxiety, stress and lack of sleep also add to the increase in number of free radicals in our body.
  • Important: when there is a positive balance in the body – i.e. a quantitative advantage to the antioxidants – the body is vital and healthy in its function and the free radicals also serve their purpose without damaging it.
    That is why it is important to maintain a sufficient, daily consumption of antioxidants.
    Since our digestive system's absorbing capabilities are limited – even with perfect nutrition, it is advised to consume food supplements.
    What is an Antioxidant?

    Antioxidants are molecules that have spare electrons and a special molecular structure, which allows them to give away an electron without losing stability.
    Hence – as implied by their name – the stop the destructive chain reaction of oxidation by giving away the missing electron to the radical.

    Antioxidants stop further damaged beyond the ones that already occurred.
    In addition, they can also retrospectively fix damaged that had already begun

    The damage to our body can be fixed by daily consumption of antioxidants to our body

    Antioxidant's Activity
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    Examples for Antioxidants' Vitamins and Minerals
    Vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, superoxide-dismutase, flavonoids, beta-carotene, glutathione, selenium, and zinc.
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    Where do Antioxidants Come From?
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Oils made by cold pressing
  • Food cooked by steaming, stir-fried, light fried – not deep fried but with small amounts of oil of a high quality, such as canola or olive oil .
  • Physical activity
  • Food supplements
  • The main and most important sources to improve your immune system by are vitamins and minerals as specified above, and antioxidants
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